It's tap-out time

Hello my loves,

I seem to be writing about this a lot at the moment, so maybe it’s something we all need to hear a bit more regularly. As Covid restrictions fade to a memory and the pace picks back up (in my part of the world at least), it’s important to remember that you don’t have to do things just because you can, or because you told yourself you would. Take this morning for example. I’m tired. It’s been a big week. My tank feels decidedly empty. And so, I’m tapping out.

I’ve got a couple of things that I need to do today, but everything else can wait. I’m choosing to put myself first, and give myself what I need, which is to clear the decks, run a bath, and just take the pace down a notch. Because I know that there’s no point in forcing myself to do things just because I’d pinpointed today as the day to do them. If it doesn’t have to be done, I’m moving it on, and taking some time to do not much at all. I know that we all have commitments - jobs and life maintenance and social calendars and self-expectations. I have all of these things too. Not every day brings a bathing window, but today I've been given one, and I'd be a fool not to take it. 

So I’ll see you next week my loves, refreshed and inspired, and ready to report on whatever deliciousness has come my way in the interim. I wish you a gorgeous weekend, filled with whatever it is that you really need right now. I’ll see you on the flipside 🧡.

Love, Rachel xxx